HORIS (Home Renovation Integrated Services), a project funded by the European LIFE programme, has launched a cluster bringing together one-stop-shop projects from all over Europe.
The projects, including BIRTUOSS-Opengela, also funded by the EU’s LIFE programme, join forces to help citizens renovate their homes. Most are working on innovative solutions such as one-stop-shops to help residents at every step of the renovation process.
The new generation of one-stop-shop projects is key to learning from each other and from existing projects. Thus, the group meets monthly with the aim of sharing updates and exchanging knowledge on energy efficient building renovation. Most of the projects are in the early stages of developing One-Stop-Shops platforms and support each other along the way. The group has already held its first workshop on OSS platform development.
In addition to Opengela, participants include EU Peers; CondoReno; Leap; MultiHome Project or Reverter.