Opengela is a project which looks to spread urban regeneration in the Basque Country using a novel new instrument: the creation of neighbourhood offices which will act as one-stop-shops to provide advice and support to the neighbourhood community.

The office in each neighbourhood (Opengela) centralises all the procedures and administration related to the process of integrated renovation of the apartment buildings: from administrative paperwork to dealing with energy services contractors or the provision of financial aid.

This project, financed by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, has started with a pilot test in two neighbourhoods: Otxarkoaga (Bilbao) and Txonta (Eibar).

Opengela is a project which looks to spread urban regeneration in the Basque Country using a novel new instrument: the creation of neighbourhood offices which will act as one-stop-shops to provide advice and support to the neighbourhood community.

The office in each neighbourhood (Opengela) centralises all the procedures and administration related to the process of integrated renovation of the  apartment buildings: from administrative paperwork to dealing with energy services contractors or the provision of financial aid.

This project, financed by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, has started with a pilot test in two neighbourhoods: Otxarkoaga (Bilbao) and Txonta (Eibar).

A quién se dirije

If you are resident

Integrated renovation of your apartment building will improve your quality of life: it will be more accessible, healthier and better isolated against outside noise. In addition, its value will increase and your comfort will improve while at the same time saving energy.

Check the information here for how to contact your neighbourhood office, where they will explain which subsidies are available in order to help you face the renovation work.

A quién se dirije

If you are resident

Integrated renovation of your apartment building will improve your quality of life: it will be more accessible, healthier and better isolated against outside noise. In addition, its value will increase and your comfort will improve while at the same time saving energy.

Check the information here for how to contact your neighbourhood office, where they will explain which subsidies are available in order to help you face the renovation work.

Icono de localización de los casos


In Otxarkoaga, work is be done on five buildings encompassing 16 house numbers with a total of 240 homes.

The office that houses the one-stop-shop is set up in the former nursery of the BBK.

Other courses of action will also be undertaken from there, such as the refurbishment of the old shopping centre and the launch of business initiatives in premises which are currently empty.

Icono de localización de los casos


In Otxarkoaga, work is done on five buildings encompassing 16 house numbers with a total of 240 homes.

The office that houses the one-stop-shop is set up in the former nursery of the BBK.

Other courses of action will also be undertaken from there, such as the refurbishment of the old shopping centre and the launch of business initiatives in premises which are currently empty.

Icono de localización de los casos


In the neighbourhood of Txonta, in Eibar, the pilot Project  works on a total of 221 homes in 17 house numbers.

The renovation will follow current standards of energy efficiency and accessibility.

The neighbourhood office is on the ground floor and is actually in Txontxa street.

Icono de localización de los casos


In the neighbourhood of Txonta, in Eibar, the pilot Project works on a total of 221 homes in 17 street numbers.

The renovation will follow current standards of energy efficiency and accessibility.

The neighbourhood office is on the ground floor and is actually in Txontxa street itsel


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Interesting projects

Agree project drive investments in modernising energy efficiency of private residential buildings in the Basque Country

Bandera de la Unión Europa

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 846707.

Otxar Opengela

Address: Avenida Pau Casals, No. 16, Otxarkoaga, Bilbao (In front of Plaza Kepa Enbeita)

Telephone: 946 85 19 32


Txonta Opengela

Address: Calle Txonta No. 3, ground floor, Eibar

Telephone: 688 779737


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