10:00-10:05 – Welcoming participants and speakers by Irene Egea Saiz, EHPA
10:05-10:20 – Keynote Speech: Cities and Regions leading Europe’s transition to climate-neutrality via the Covenant of Mayors by Frédéric Boyer, Covenant of Mayors Europe
10:20-11:00 – Region Panel Discussion moderated by Seamus Hoyne, Limerick Institute of Technology
- Romania, Ministry of Energy, Label20.eu – Eugen Opritescu
- L’orient urban heat – David Bourguignon
- Extremadura Region in Spain, By AGENEX (TBC)
11:00-11:20 – How the EIB could support your region in the implementation of a One-Stop-Shop: focus on ELENA, by Louise White, Energy Efficiency & Energy Advisory Division of the European Investment Bank.
11:20-12:20 – Project examples: Renovation and One-Stop-Shop Initiatives, moderated by Irene Egea Saiz, EHPA
- Superhomes2030
- Sunhorizon
- Opengela
- One-Stop-Shop in Carlow, Kilkenny, and Wexford countries, Ireland, by 3CEA (TBC)
12:20-12:30 – Closing remarks by Daniela Bachner, Project Advisor Superhomes2030, CINEA