Visit by COAVN Gipuzkoa to Otxarkoaga and Txonta for World Architecture Day

Visit by COAVN Gipuzkoa to Otxarkoaga and Txonta for World Architecture Day

To celebrate World Architecture Day on the first Monday in October, the Gipuzkoa branch of the Official Basque-Navarrese Architects’ Association (COAVN) has drawn up a programme to highlight the importance of building renovation and urban regeneration. As a central event, it has organised a guided visit to the Opengela of Otxarkoaga (Bilbao) and Txonta (Eibar), neighbourhood offices that accompany the neighbourhood throughout the process of rehabilitating their buildings.

COAVN Gipuzkoa has invited all its members to take part in this bus trip to Bilbao and Eibar, which will depart from San Sebastian. The first destination will be the Otxarkoaga neighbourhood, where Ignacio de la Puerta, Director of Territorial Planning and Urban Agenda of the Basque Government, and Claudia Pennese, COAVN Gipuzkoa’s culture spokesperson, will welcome the participants and explain what the European Opengela project consists of.

After the presentation of the project and an explanation of how the neighbourhood offices work, there will be a guided tour of Otxarkoaga. After lunch, the participants will travel to Eibar, where they will visit the Opengela in Txonta. Participation is completely free, but it is essential to sign up in advance on the COAVN Gipuzkoa website.

Bandera de la Unión Europa

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 846707.

Otxar Opengela

Address: Avenida Pau Casals, No. 16, Otxarkoaga, Bilbao (In front of Plaza Kepa Enbeita)

Telephone: 946 85 19 32


Txonta Opengela

Address: Calle Txonta No. 3, ground floor, Eibar

Telephone: 688 77 97 37


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